I had my operation a month ago and while there have been some ups and downs, basically it is all going well. The scar seems to be healing and I have a lot more head movement now. It is still very numb and I have been told this may be permanent due to nerve damage, but to be honest this is the least of my worries. It is only a small area under my chin and around my neck and how often do you really need to feel that part anyway?
So, overall I am pleased with the way things are going. My blood is normal again, so it was definitely worth having it done. The funny thing about the scar is that I don't think I mind it, however, every time I go out I make sure I cover it with a scarf, so I obviously do mind it a bit. Perhaps as it settles I will feel less self conscious, and at least it is winter so the scarf doesn't look too out of place. I will be going back to work soon - probably next week - so we'll see how I feel when I have to stand in front of a whole room of people who can see it.
Anyway, I will report back on things in January, as it will have been 3 months by then. Hopefully, there will be a big difference.