So, day 5 arrived. The day to remove the surgical tape. To say I was a little apprehensive would be quite an understatement. I was also a little excited in a very weird way, as this would be my first opportunity to have a proper look at my scar. I was really unsure of how to remove the tape, I had asked a nurse when I had been for a blood test, but she had no advice and just wished me luck. You can see from the last 2 pictures just how tight that tape was, I had showered a few times and it wasn't even starting to give.
Eventually, I plucked up the courage and made a start. To say it was painful would be my second understatement. It was incredibly painful and made me feel really, really sick. In total it must have taken me about an hour of pulling at it a bit, leaving it a bit and then coming back to it again, but eventually it came off. At this point I was just so happy to have it over and done with that I couldn't face cleaning the sticky bits off.
It felt very strange with the tape off, mainly because it felt like the tape was still on. I had wrongly assumed that the tightness was due to the tape being stretched against the swelling, but it actually still felt like that after the tape had been removed, which was weird. The good news was that the scar looked smaller without the tape on it and it was incredibly neat, so I am quite hopeful that it will fade and become almost invisible in a few months time.
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