Saturday, 31 October 2009

One week on

After one week the pain is starting to change. It feels less like someone is pressing into my throat, but more like every time I move, the wound is trying to come apart. This is a really gross feeling and quite disturbing at times. I am not too sure how much of it is psychological either. I have a bit of a rash where the tape came off, but at least it is clean now. The area around my jaw is still very numb and this is still the most painful part as well. Things like yawning and sneezing are quite painful. I am getting tired a lot and the GP said this may be due to the calcium levels still adjusting themselves, although I think it could also be down to the fact that I have to concentrate to keep my head still and this just makes everything a bit more difficult. Still, every day does get a bit easier, and I am looking forward to feeling completely normal again. It is still hard that I felt fine before this operation, so at the moment I feel worse than I did before, but then this was never about the immediate future, it was always about preventing the long term side effects.

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